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About Expat_and_Voyage

Welcome to Expat_and_Voyage! I'm happy you dropped by! Expat_and_Voyage is run by Sarah, she juggles writing and photography for this site with her job as teacher. 


Sarah is an EFL/ESL educator who hopes to share her love of teaching by providing resources and insight into the EFL teaching experience. From getting certified, to choosing a country, career path and teaching resources, Sarah strives to cover all aspects of teaching EFL. Sarah is currently residing in Oaxaca, Mexico where she is teaching at a university and completing her DELTA certification.


As an EFL teacher, Sarah primarily resides outside of her home country of the United States. Life as an expat brings several unique challenges and through Expat_and_Voyage, Sarah hopes to share some of the struggles and  skills to adapt that she has learned to help make your life as an expat easier.


Traveling is one of Sarah's great loves. She has a personal goal to visit three new countries a year and her trips are often planned around her love for photography. In the travel section, Sarah shares travel guides for countries and cities that she has traveled to. Sarah believes in ethical and responsible travel, so she does share articles that can be more charged as they deal with issues like exploitation, oppressive governments, and environmental issues to help us all travel in a more educated way.  








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